Need help

Hello im new here, I bought my passport 2TB 7 months back suddenly I not able to access the data’s inside, this problem occured because i fixed registry problems in my laptop via cc cleaner while the external hdd was still plugged in, suddenly when i plugged in again it should popup in my computer asI  CD DRIVE (G:) WD UNLOCKER, but it just popup there as CD DRIVE. I read alot of forums online most of them wrote about disk management, device manager and command prompt, since my hdd is password protected i cant do anything, even I downloaded data recovery soft shows that no readable partition, please help me, I need al trhe data’s!!

cd drive g.JPG

Hi Heman91, have you tried connecting the Passport to another PC? 

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Hi just a little note Google ccleaner destroyed my computer and you get 139,000 results even if only 1/4 of them is true it is a program to stay away from.

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I’ve used Ccleaner for years and never had problems with it. I just updated it today. I’ve used it since Windows 98 up to Windows 7. I didn’t know thee was a Google version.


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Hi there is not a Google version they have enough bad software all on there own hehe. I meant to run a search on Google using the search string “ccleaner destroyed my computer” and see the results. Myself I just delete temp files and clear the ie cache I don’t really need a program to do that.

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yes brother, but its still the same please help me bro :frowning: thanks for ur concern brother

haha yeah im so confused how to fix this

yeap you are right i never knew there was a google version too

do you have any idea what i should do now, I badly need the data’s

Hi Heman91 I have one other question for you did you use the safely remove hardware function before you unplugged the drive. If you do not use that function it’s just a matter of time until you get a Partition Table Corruption rendering all data on that drive unreadable. It may not have been cc cleaner that caused the problem.

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If the drive is corrupt then something like TestDisk might fix it.


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bro thanks for ur suggestion i have tried this, doesnt help, it just detects my internal hard drive not the external 

bro, u mean that i have to wait…?