Need Help!

 I have a WD MyBook( or at least it looks like one)  external hard drive P/N WDBAAF0010HBK-01   S/N  I was told by the person who gave it to my that it was a TB but when I plug it in to my comp and click WE computer  it says

CD Drive (G:) WD SmartWare

0 bytes free of 442 MB


What do I have? If it is a TB why don’t I have any space left on it when it doesn’t have any files other than what is already built in. The PDF users manual image of it shows a LED style window on the case but I don’t have that on mine. I have Googled the serial # and got nothing. 

What you are seeing is not the drive, that is the software that comes with the unit.

The drive will show up as My Book or with the name the other user assigned to it.

Make sure the drive is properly connected and is not password protected.

Thank you for replying. So how do I get it to show the My Book when I open the WE computer window? I usually figure out stuff like this but I’m stumped.

The drive should show up on computer when connected.

If the unit does not show, try the steps on the link bellow:

WD external drive is not assigned a drive letter by Windows or Mac OSX and data on the drive is inaccessible