Need Help with my WD My Passport Ultra

No Writeable Partition Found on my WD My Passport Ultra came up. Not recognized in the file explorer but it is recognized by the Device Manager and Computer Management.

Ran a test and all check out fine. In C.M. it comes up as disk 3 unallocated…

It was working fine last month on my HP Envy Laptop, but now will not work. I also tried to get it to work on my Surface Laptop but no luck.

I’ve got 37 years of photo’s, along with important documents that I need to work with. Need to know how I can rectify this issue.

I’ve seen many of the issues that I’m experiencing come up on this forum too. Haven’t been able to see how they were able to rectify their issues. (I’m new to this forum.)

Hi LDal,

Maybe you should try contacting WD’s Technical Support about this.

To Contact WD for Technical Support

The link below will allow you to call support.

Hi Brandon,

I sent an email to them and they in turn gave me an email address to
contact a company that may be able to get the data off the drive. Only
problem is that the cost would be in the area of $1,000.00…don’t have
that kind of money.

Thanks again for getting back to me.
