My sansa fuze 8bg mp3 player is having a white screen that’s tormenting the living buzz outta me! It can still play music but I’m getting tired of it… can anybody help me out??? I don’t reset all of the songs I put in it!!!
I had the same problem. The gurus said, that it could be problem with hardware. Try to renew the firmware, maybe it can help.
It didn’t helped me, but if you have guarantee, just take it to guarantee repair.
I don’t think it’s my hard drive because it’s awesome so far. Also I found a way to not “reset” all of my important files and “help” out with you “IkTech09”.
If your sansa fuze 8gb screen is white like clouds, please do these steps to get rid of that siteeuation:
1. plug your mp3 player in the computer
2. you see the white screen (duh!)
3. press the power button and wait until it shuts down
4. press it again until it comes on
5. then you will see the welcome screen again
that should help you and if you already got rid of your mp3 player, i am ashamed that you have wasted your money and didn’t try something that might’ve helped your mp3 player work again.
Reset–holding up the power button for 30 seconds–is basically a reboot. It doesn’t mess with your files. It’s like turning off your computer and starting it again.
The only thing that would delete your files is Format. And you have to very deliberately do that.
So if your screen goes white, use the reset–hold up the power button and keep it there after the unit turns off, for 15-20 seconds more. If you keep your headphones plugged in, you’ll hear a little click some time after the screen goes black.
If your screen repeatedly goes white, you have a file in there that the Fuze doesn’t like Then you have to play detective and find it. One thing to try is to put Settings/System Settings/USB Mode in MSC. Connect the computer, look in Windows Explorer (Computer or My Computer) for the Fuze, Right-click on it and go to Properties/Tools/Error-checking. Run that, and it may find a bad file.
I got the white screen once, I managed to make it go away, I had to do more than hold the buttom for 30 seconds though. I think I had to hold it a couple minutes.
You can also try holding in the button while hitting the power/reset button. Mine went dead the other day, even hooking it up to the usb port didnn’t do anything.
I pushed in the select button while starting and it came back to life just fine.
I wonder how many people think their fuze’s quit working when a simple secret reset ritual will fix it. there are more ways to reset it but I don’t remember them.
I followed the directions as directed…then while I was in settings, I changed the wallpaper color as
well as changing the display time to a full one hour…for some reason, no more white screen…must
have been reset with whatever else i did…I was so close to tossing this unit out.
brilliant! i just had to wait long enough with the on/off button pressed… so simple :-)
Okay… if this is the solution, why is my screen still white? I downloaded and installed firmware as directed. It still plays music, but I have no graphics at all - a white screen with no controls!
My GOD!!! What do IPod users do?!?
Now the video is in diagonal stripes. This is a SICK FUZE!!! I’m trying resets, pressing and holding different buttons. This is my second after the first overheated and was replaced via warranty. I love my Fuze and hope it comes back.
If this is success, what will failure be like?
I deleted everything but the folders and the DEVICON. The previous post about it being caused by bad files is not holding water.
Well, I got a very mucked up screen back and was able to trace it back to system settings. I “Reset to Factory” and that did nothing. Tried “Format” and it still has problems.
Oh well, nice while it lasted!