My Passport Wireless Pro

My Passport Wireless Pro.
Using Laptop Windows 10.
Using iPhone 13 Pro Max iOS app.

  • Not recognised or visible as external hard drive on laptop.
  • Can access the admin portal.
  • Can access via iPhone 13 Pro Max iOS app.

When inside Admin Portal on Laptop.

  • No USB Device Found.
  • Diagnostic Test stalls at 75% always and does not progress.

Error Message
Media server database internal error (400162)

Not sure what you are driving at.

With the Wireless pro attached to a PC using cable; it acts like a standard external HDD.
When in wireless mode;

  • If you are on the Wireless pro network, you can access dashboard and data
  • If the wireless pro is on your routers network in parrallel with your PCs. . .there is one more step to make the shares visible on your network. (and I donā€™t think you can access the dashboard).

I am scared to run diagnostics.
I have had a media server database error for years - - - unable to clear it. I just gave up on it. . .I just donā€™t use it as media server anymore.

What am I driving at?!? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Well firstly you are incorrect.
I can access the Admin Portal when using wifi from PC Laptop to Wireless Pro - But thatā€™s about it! Canā€™t access any files as it doesnā€™t see it as an external hard drive.

Have just completed enabling SMB 1.0 CIFS File Sharing Support for My Cloud, My Cloud Home, My Passport Wireless and Legacy NAS Products.

Now able to access hard drive files via Wifi from PC Laptop through Networking ā€¦.

Life is good once again.

See link

Yup. Sorry - - ā†’ I didnā€™t understand the issue.
These older devices like SMB1 - - ā†’ Which is disabled by default by most ā€œmodernā€ O/Sā€™s.

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