How to use this disk as network disk? I can’t normal work with WD app or Web or FTP. I want to work as USB-hdd, but via WiFi as i can work with shared folders.
How to use this disk as network disk? I can’t normal work with WD app or Web or FTP. I want to work as USB-hdd, but via WiFi as i can work with shared folders.
You need to connect the MPW wireless signal to your home network wi-fi. The complete MPW user manual tells you how. Then, you look on PC in Win File Explorer under Network for the drive and you can now work with drive wirelessly. Be sure the drive is near router for best wi-fi connection.
I don’t want to connect to router. If i wanted to use this option i would bought usb hdd for 50 bucks, not 200.
This HDD is castrated and can’t normal work?
If you mean i can connect via Wifi to router’s wifi, so it’s already done. I can’t see difference between using HDD directly to their wifi (MyPassport) and router’s wifi.
IPs the same. But how can i Add it as network drive in “Computer” or make a shorcut like shared folder to use via “explorer” or total commander?
Did you read what I wrote!
I see your MPW is connected to your router. GOOD. THIS CONNECTS THE PC AND MPW TO ONE ANOTHER THROUGH THE SAME NETWORK AND WORKGROUP…Now, go into your PC which is connected to your home network.
Use Win File Explorer, do not look in “Computer” tab use “Network” section, and you should see the MPW in there. Do you, and can you now access the MPW from PC? THIS is how to use MPW from PC. If your PC is on you nay need to REFRESH the view of File Explorer to see your MPW name so you can see it in Network section.
Right now I have TWO MPWs set up this way and I can access files in both devices in File Explorer.
I just don’t believe you really know what you are doing and likely are not referring to the user manual.
I am a user like you, not WD Support. If you have more issues call WD Support and they can hold your hand while you go through getting this thing to work for you…
Are you a sofa-expert? WD support says this drive can’t work as you describe. Also your “instruction” doesn’t work.
I’m not a random customer who never heard about *nix, regedit, mmc or other “strange” words. So your guide for noobies as nothing, coz you even didn’t try to do it yourself.
Just write as sysadmin what do you want to tell coz now you just trying to mix some random guides not for this device.
Really. Did you read my 1st message? Do you know what does network drive mean? Show me the screenshot of your WD MyPassport Wireless Pro as network drive.
I have done all I can do to help you. I told you how to access the MPW from your network. If that is not what you wanted to know, I was mistaken. Good luch with this device.
Please, show me screenshot of your network drive.
Calm down folks. Remember, it’s just people trying to help each other here.
I’m pretty sure mike27 is correct. In the WD manual it says it should work as a NAS, page 29.
The user manual states:
Devices on the same network
The drive can act as a wireless client device on your Wi-Fi network so everyone
on the network can access it (like a regular network attached storage device).
2. On your computer, open the File Explorer (PC) window or Finder (Mac).
3. Do one of the following:
Windows: In the left pane of the File Explorer window, click Network > MyPassport (or name you assigned) > Storage.
Mac: In the left pane of the Finder window in the SHARED section, double- click MyPassport (or name you assigned) > Storage.
The drive’s Storage folder opens.
4. Drag and drop files from network-connected devices to the drive’s Storage
Hope that helps.
Show me screenshot of your network drive.
There no point of a screenshot, because it looks like yours.
DM100 agreed I was correct; darn right i am, since I have had a MPW for years. DM100 even showed you pages from manual. He can now help you with this issue.
Show me screenshot coz you are fkn liar. This HDD doesn’t support nas. It can’t be as nas as network drive. Even support of WD says it. But you keep trying to talk blsht coz you’re fkn noob. Proof or gtfo.
The WD wireless Passports can definitely be used as network drives. When setup properly, you can definitely access files (read and write) from any computer or device on the same network.
“NAS” to me means more than a simple hard drive on the network. These things definitely are “a hard drive on the network”, but don’t have the redundancy, reliability, and speed I would associate with a proper NAS box.
The Passport Wireless drives CAN be used like a NAS. . . BUT WD support is not wrong in not recommending you using it like a NAS . . . .
Unlike typical NAS, the passport drives are connected via WiFI, not a Ethernet cable. Therefore, the connection is slower and inherently less reliable. You won’t be happy with large file transfers.
Unlike a typical NAS, the HDD in the passport wireless drives are not designed for 24/7/365 uptime. I forget which drives are physically in these units, but are more like the WD “Blue” drives, rather than the Server Rated WD “Red” drives that are supplied in the WD NAS Boxes.
Unlike a typical NAS, the WD Passports Wireless are simply not built robustly enough for 24/7/365 use. They are fine for a few hours a day, a few days a week for many years. It’s just not the hardware. . also the software.
Unlike a typical NAS, there is no RAID backup. Most NAS boxes have at LEAST two drives to produce redundancy. This device only has a single drive inside.
You can definitely access these drives from any computer on your network. I do it all the time. . .and I swap routinely between 3 networks (these are, afterall, portable drives). You can’t do that with a NAS
a) You can access by using windows explorer like Mike and DM100 said.
b) You can access by typing network address in Explorer address bar (e.g. \ - - > or whatever your network address your router assigns) (This works best if you use a static IP address for the drive)(I forget if you need the “\”. One way gives you file access. . .the other opens the device configuration web page)
c) You can map a network drive letter to the device (I don’t recommend this because ransomware vulnerability)
I) I have the drive configured for a static IP address. . . and access by typing the ip address into address bar. I do this all the time. . .
II) I have found that the “network” section of the Windows Explorer is sometimes slow to update. For example, if you just boot up either the computer, or the WD passport drive, it will take a few minutes for the drive to “appear”. (but I can access the files immediately if I type the address in the address bar)
III) If I am transferring more than a few hundred MB in files. . . I will plug the USB into a computer so I can get faster transfer rates.
What’s with the hostility??? Mike27Oct and DM100 know these products and they are generally correct in their statements. I have learned a lot from reading their posts. I smell troll.
PS: On the “WiFi Network” setting page, make sure “Share Content on Network” is checked. With the box checked, any computer on the WiFi Network will see the files. If it is not checked, you have to log onto the passport’s own wifi network can see files.
Why in the world did you jump into this snake pit with the OP?
He is vulgar, insulting and totally brain dead, and I will have nothing else to do with him.
I am a Glutton for punishment.
Next time, save good replies like that for people worthy of your reply!
Nice to know the three of us agree with the questions asked, tho.
This post solved my problem, smb 1.0 is disabled by default in windows 10 due to ransomeware re enable (client and server) to access the drive as a drive.
That post has your precious picture And I can confirm it works and the above tips are correct if smb 1.0 is enabled. Currently working on my external pictures in lightroom
I have the same problem. SMB 1.0 enabled. Win 10. Can view the files but cannot copy anything into the drive over WiFi. I can see the drive in two locations: (1) Network → MyPassport, and (2) This PC → MyPassport. In (1), when I double-click on MyPassport, a web page opens with config dashboard - I cannot see any files there. In (2), I can see Music / photos / Videos folders but can only view files - no write access.
I re-read the manual in this section several times - I would agree that it’s pretty useless in explaining how to connect over WIFi from Win10.
Thanks for your help!
additional detail: I found a place in Dashboard where it offers to place a shortcut to the drive to my Downloads folder. I did that. Double-clicking on that shortcut throws ‘Network Error’ dialog with ‘Windows cannot access \MyPassport\Storage’. I can still see files by going to This PC → MyPassport…
Also asked this question on Amazon where I just got this $800 device from.
I figured it out!! Hopefully this will help someone else. The solution is simple but nowhere to be found in the stupid manual. Just grab the drive IP and type ‘\\Storage’ into your Windows Explorer window. You can get your drive IP from the dashboard URL in your browser