I have a My Passport Ultra 2TB External. I’m on Windows 7 x64. I’ve been getting a lot of bugs and extreme lag. In the area “my compuer” is showing a driver CD: Unlocker.exe. When I click in this, the computer crashes. I tried using the WD Utilities, put the password, and it’s the same (it crashes). I tried to restart my computer several times and the samething happens. I changed the cable and computer hd didn’t have success… I then installed all WD software from the Control Panel, didn’t change anything. I tried using the GetDataBack Sofware (Runtime), but many errors 19 appeared. The final message was: “GetDataBack has not found any NTFS file systems” .
I have no clue what to do or what has happened, but my External HD is pretty much useless right now. I have very important files and photos on there, I need to get access to this immediately.
Please help me!