My Passport Ultra no access

I have a My Passport Ultra 2TB External. I’m on Windows 7 x64. I’ve been getting a lot of bugs and extreme lag. In the area “my compuer” is showing a driver CD: Unlocker.exe. When I click in this, the computer crashes. I tried using the WD Utilities, put the password, and it’s the same (it crashes). I tried to restart my computer several times and the samething happens. I changed the cable and computer hd didn’t have success… I then installed all WD software from the Control Panel, didn’t change anything. I tried using the GetDataBack Sofware (Runtime), but many errors 19 appeared. The final message was: “GetDataBack has not found any NTFS file systems” .

I have no clue what to do or what has happened, but my External HD is pretty much useless right now. I have very important files and photos  on there, I need to get access to this immediately.

Please help me!

Welcome to the community.

I’m sorry to hear that you are unable to access the information on the drive. Western Digital have Data Recovery partners listed on this  link, some of them offer a free assessment, you might want to contact them.