My Passport Ultra - Can't open any files - Given different Extensions

Backup went smooth. Went to open file and all were given different extensions. a simple text file pretty links.txt is now pretty links.txt_Last & pretty links.txt5776daef. Use my file opener and get Unsupported File Type. Where do I go from here? Same goes for all html files. Really every file in there folders, pictures, videos and so on have different extensions. Can not open any file at all on the backup drive. Question 2. Can we not just backup the files as there are? Like copying the old way to a disc?

Help? Please?

Found proper files. Documentation doesn’t tell you where to view. Found files, folders in folder labeled Volume with about 15 different letters, numbers and characters in its name. Don’t understand that type of designation.


Whats the name of the backup software you used to backup your files?

Used the software that came with the WD My Passport Ultra External Backup
Drive. When I do a check on WD Utilities, it says everything is up to date.
This is the first time I have used an external drive. I the pass have been
backing up with cd’s. Now I wanted some easier.

Just not understanding why I have to click on 5 different folders to get to
where I want to be to view all my backed up info.
I hope this helps with my question.


You can also copy and paste directly into the drive without using the WD backup software.

Take a look a this link. Hope it helps.

in Thanks,
