My Passport 500 GB for Mac is unrecognised for both Mac and PC

My Passport is unrecognised. Sometimes it connects, it says to “eject” or to ignore" but either option only allows it to appear for a few seconds on Disk Drill but with no success to recover data files. The drive appears always on System Information under USB.

Someone Help.

Thanks in advance.

Ndilokelwa Luis


Try a different USB cable to see if this helps with this issue, also try on a different computer.

I have a different My Passport drive which works fine on both my Mac and my PC. My two cables (one from each drive) work fine for this drive.

I already tried the two cables on both Mac and Pc with the faulty drive and nothing.


My Passport Ultra 500 GB is not recognized for pc

Please Help Me …

Many things inside !!!