My G-Tech External Drive Not Showing in my iMac

I had force shutdown my imac and my g-tech drive now is not showing up anymore. Cable is fine and I used a different usb port. The external drive is still not showing.

Hi @JozuaJudah,

Please contact the WD Technical Support team for best assistance and troubleshooting:

Whenever you connect an external drive to your mac, the storage drive may not show up on Desktop, Finder or even on Disk Utility due to various reasons:

  1. USB connectivity problem
  2. MacOS preference settings
  3. Partition map damage
  4. Device incompatibility
  5. Physical damage on a drive

Further, you can also check the below link for steps to be followed to fix the issue:

Hope it helps!

Thanks everyone for your help. I took the drive apart to see if there was anything wrong with the drive physically and when I put all back again it worked fine. I ran a bunch of diagnostic tests and it all came back with no problems. The drive has not given me any problems since.