I bought a My Book 3T external drive a year ago. It’s recently failed to back up using Mac Time Machine. Today, after it failed to back up, I ran Disk Utility First Aid but it failed to repair the problem. I then ran the WD Utility’s “Quick Drive Test” and it failed. How to initiate getting a replacement for this drive that hasn’t lasted a year?
I would suggest you to perform an extended/complete WD Drive Utility test, If the test result shows drive failure, I suspect that drive is faulty/malfunctioning.
Although the “complete” drive test passed, the “quick” drive test failed. More importantly, the drive no longer backs up my OS files (while my auxiliary"My Book Studio" (see screenshots) successfully backs up files.
Sadly, another four days have passed without Neha or another WDC support member advising me how to initiate a replacement of this defective My Book external drive for Mac. Pleeeeze advise me of the next step to take. I must back up my OS ASAP!