At the recommendation of a reputable (and large) computer company I bought a My Book Essential 3.0/2.0 external HD. I’d hoped to attach it to my wireless router to use as a backup drive. After I received it yesterday I found out that there are drives (the “Live” series) that are made specifically for doing such.
Is there a program that I can download to my Essential drive that will enable it to serve as a network drive that will automatically backup my laptops? (When I use the Win7 backup utility, it does not “see” the WD My Book attached to the router. Also, the WD Smartware does not “see” the My Book when it is not attached directly to the computer.)
There are presently no programs from WD that will allow you to see the My Book Essential as a network drive, and back up to it.
Have you tried the latest version of SmartWare to see if it recognizes the drive when it’s connected to the computer? Also, have you made sure that the drive is showing up in Computer before attempting to find it with SmartWare?