I’m having problems with my MyBook RAID external hard drive 2x1TB / USB. Like everyone else I updated to Mavericks recently and now, I can not access my My Book.
Here’s the series of events that appear not the same as everyone else, but still, I am not without a resiliient back up solution.
pre Mavericks my WD MyBook stored ‘archived data’ of great importance whilst day to day data was stored on my Mid-2011 iMac.
TimeMachine was paired to a DIY Seagate hardrive in a non-brand external enclosure. Never any issues.
The day after Mavericks came out, I did the upgrade. All went well it appears!
As I was running out of TimeMachine disc space on the Seagate drive, I copied all the data from my MyBook to the iMac 1TB hard drive.
Next after verifying all my data was now on the iMac correctly I used Mavericks Disk Utility to format the MyBook to Encrypted and Journaled.
I set the MyBook as my TimeMachine then after checking it started, I left it to do it’s thing. (Backing up around 800Gb of data)
Several hours later I came back to find the MyBook disc(s) chattering quietly and not a great deal of back up had happened.
Some hours later I came back again to find that the drive had gotten very hot despite being in a ventilated area.
Still not completed back up the drive was now making a great deal of noise and right in front of my eyes it disconnected itself from the iMac. (The usual message about disconnectecting a drive without ejecting came up.)
I left the drive to cool down and now when I plug it in it is not recognised by my computer.
I have no back up solution as all threads are suggesting the removal of all WD software (that I believe I have done) and not to plug in RAID devices until such times as WD come up with a solution. I do not wish to use this drive in case it causes any more problems and I REALLY need to know what to purchase instead even as a temporary solution as my business computer is at risk now because of this problem.
I’ve numbered each of the points to make it easier to ask questions.