Just bought an express...

And thought i’d pop along to the forum to see if there are any tips etc, but am quite horrified by some of the stories i’ve read.

It should be delivered tomorrow. I was sold on the expandable memory, and have bought a 2gb sandisk micro sd card to go with it… I mainly wanted a player to fit a thousand songs or so on it to use in the gym on shuffle… but apparently shuffle doesn’t even work properly, not to mention the random tales of the player generally not working/dying.

Am feeling I should just send the player back to amazon as soon as it arrives! :frowning:

I recommend the Clip. Small, light, 2GB, and it has a handy clip you can use to attatch it to yourself.

Bear in mind, people don’t go on internet forums and make dozens of posts about how everything works fine.  I own a number of Sansas, including the Express, and mine works without a hitch most of the time (meaning, when I’m not doing something stupid to it.)  But yeah, I second the Clip’s recommendation.  With the sole exception of the lack of MicroSD slot and the need for a cable, it’s an improvement in every way.

Mine started having problem without me doing “anything stupid” and also using the same software to load the musics to it.

The other day just for the heck of it, I went to and popular mp3 player forum to see what was going on there…and for a moment I thought I was still at this Sansa forum…which proves that they have just as much problems with their player! :smileyvery-happy:
 I’ve had a few minor issues with my Express, but I LOVE IT! I am very  pleased with it and in fact, I am thinking of getting another Sansa some time soon.  :smiley:

Well i’ve been away and just setting it up. The big test will be random play as that’s the one thing I wanted a player for… fingers crossed!

Personally I’ve had a terrible experience with mine, but maybe you’ll be luckier. About the random play, you might want to read this thread which discusses the way it works on the Express in some detail:


Message Edited by thither on 03-13-2008 03:52 PM

Check out my posting 3/15. I added a 2G SD card and so far that has taken care of my problems. We updated the latest firmware, and so far so good. I loved my Express til I recently encountered the problem of shutting down. Hopefully, the MicroSD card and the updated firmware should take care of things.