I think WindowsOS has hijacked my USB Type-C Flash drive!

Hi there, everybody.

I am new to the forum. I am also not tech savvy, so forgive my Topic title, if I am wrong.

I bought this SanDisk 128GB USB Type-C Flash drive recently, 3-4 months back. I have enclosed the images.

Now coming to my problem; I have 2 Laptops. One has Windows OS and the other has antiX Linux OS, installed on them.

I wanted to use the drive between both systems for copying and/or transferring media and other files.

I have tried formatting the drive as NTFS, FAT32 and even as UDF. I even tried formatting the device on both systems.

What happens is, after I insert the drive in the Windows system, the drive only works on Windows system it does not work on the Linux system. It does not even get detected on the Linux system, while it is working on the Windows system.

Then I decided that I would use the drive only on the Linux system, because that is my preferred working system. The last time I inserted the device on Windows and cleaned the drive to zeros and then I thought I would format and use it only on the Linux system. But now the drive is not getting detected in the Linux system at all.

Probably, if I switch it back to the Windows system, it will ask for format and start working again.

Does Windows 10, make changes to the drive such that it only gets detected and works on Windows and no other OS?

Please help me in this project.

If the drive cannot be used on both Windows and Linux systems, at least I want it to work on the Linux system. So please help me in this regard.

I would appreciate any help in this.

Thank you all.

Hi @anilswipe

Have you checked our knowledge base articles?
(Get Support for Your SSDs and Flash Products | SanDisk)

Have you opened a Support Case?
If not, contact SanDisk Technical Support for assistance.
(Contact Support | SanDisk)

Thank you, @karanamnagadurga.sai, I will try that.

To resolve the issue with your SanDisk USB drive not being detected on Linux, start by reformatting the drive. Use your Linux system to delete all partitions and format it as exFAT or FAT32, as these file systems are compatible with both Linux and Windows. Additionally, make sure to disable Windows Fast Startup, as it can cause problems with drives on Linux.