It’s not recognizing my Passport what so ever. I’m almost at wids end here, I disabled the usb ports from timing out & I checked all my previous passports to ensure they worked correctly in the same port. Im a magazine publisher & I have over 600+ GB of data on that drive with a deadline that has come & gone. My customers are writing me pissed…
This new 2.0 & 3.0 cord issue really seems to be damaging the reputation of Western Digital with all of the problems listed here, it seems that some sort of recall is in order or voucher for data recovery & transferance to a new drive. I’m totally blown away by what I’ve read & personally experienced, and with $20k worth of my company material on this defective drive I’m totally lost.
I’ve never even looked at another company, hopefully someone from WD can please tell me how to force this drive to operate so I can force the files to my other drives so I can get this publication to print. I’m grateful to have recieved the new data cord in 72 hours but Im still at square one. WD…President O’Bama help me!!!