When I plug my drive into my computer it loads the drivers and than doesn’t go beyond that. I can’t access my drive from explore and it doesn’t even show up in my computer. I’ve checked in the disk management and it says the drive is not initialized. I’ve tried just about everything from reinstalling drivers to even trying to reinitialize it and it says that their is an I/O device error but I’ve checked the I/O’s on my computer and they are all working right, I even tried several other computers and got the same response. Shows up in devices and printers menu and computer management but it won’t show up in my computer and it can’t be reinitialized either. Any help in fixing this would be great.
I/O error means imput/output error. Meaning the drive is having issues reading or writing data. If the drive is still under warranty I recommend that you get it replaced.
I’m having the exact same problem. is there a way to recover the data saved on the passport? I’ve tried downloading drivers with no change. my laptop recognizes the passport (under devices and hardware) but is not reading the passport.
It’s probably beyond do it yourself recovery and will need professinal recovery. Quite often this error is from a problem on one of the circuit boards or the actual drive.