I want to know if it is possible to access your music while it is “expired”. I would love to just be able to transfer that music from the clip to my e260.
I am not being cheap or anything i will pay the 15 dollars just want to get to my music much quicker,
This has come up a couple of times before. These players issued by the BOP are locked down tight, and there’s no known ‘hack’ to get around it.
You’ll have to send the player into the company the BOP uses to modify thises things and pay the fee to have them unlock it for you. I believe it’s $25.
Its kind of ridiculous that they want essentially the price of a Clip+ just to let you use something you already bought, but I took a quick look and didn’t see any obvious way to remove the restriction in the firmware they use. If someone is interested in hacking it, they might have more luck.