How to use a WD External Hard Drive?

I have 500 GB WD Passport. I wanted to know if I should use the drive only as a backup or can I use it like an internal hard drive by keeping it connected to my PC all time? What is the right way of using it? Are any of the above two ways harmful for the Hard Drive?

You can use this drive as a back up or a storage drive as the same time…

check this link for if you wants to know more about using the drive to you computer…

and with regard to your  2nd  question, as far as i know, wd external drives are tested to be connected in the computer all the time…however if you would wants to remove or unplug the drive always safely eject it to avoid any data corruptons

One other important thing. Never trust important data to just one drive internal or external. You need at least 2 copies in different places to be safe.
