somebody unplugged my external drives without ejecting them.
there was nothing actively happening (no file transfers or anything) at the time, but now when i run the WD Drive Utilities app Diagnose Tests… the “Quick” one passes, but the “Complete” one fails!
is there no way to “repair” these?
the Mac Disk Utility prior to El Capitan had a repair feature that i can’t find anymore.
thoughts? suggestions? am i screwed? do i need to get my data off these drives right away?
they do mount & i can seemingly use them, but am nervous now that the test fails.
- MacBook Pro OS X El Capitan 10.11.6
- WD Drive Utilities
- My Passport Pro 2 TB
- My Book Studio 2 TB
please also note my similar question @
Not a Mac user, but you need to locate your disk utility and run it to have the disk repaired. I imagine it is there somewhere. Check the Apple forums or start googling.
is the drive showing on the Mac?
yes, the drives are mounted; & i can seemingly use/transfer the files (tho i haven’t tried yet outta fear).
Backup your data, then run Disk Repair (search Applications).
i have no “Disk Repair” app. downloadable?
Google is your friend. Have you tried or have you tried at the Apple Support forum, etc? There are more PC users here than Mac users. (Kind of like anywhere.)
@mike27oct, yes, i have google’d & apple’d but i chose to post here since it involved the WD drive. plus because since Mac OS 10.11 (El Capitan), the usual mac repair utility is gone & WD says we have to use their utility to manage their drives - but their utility has no repair function.
Do you KNOW what utilities are supposed to be part of el capitan? I think it is important that you do, because if This happens on my Windows PC, I don’t use drive maker tools to fix the problem, I use Windows programs to fix a disk problem. Macs are probably the same way. Windows users use chkdsk and or they scan the disk for errors. A disk with errors can prevent a HD from connecting (mounting) to the PC. Start with these links and see what it tells you. I think they will help you find your way around the el Capitan utilities.
Check the first few articles.