Dear All,
I was wondering how the Clip+ detects changes on the SD card. I presume, changes can only be detected when the media database on the clip is refreshed (which may take a couple of minutes). If you use an SD card, is such a refresh made everytime the Clip+ is turned on? Or does it somehow detect if the SD card has been removed, modified (e.g. in a card reader), and then re-inserted, even though the Clip+ has been turned off all the time?
Basically, my question is, whether a database refresh is made when (always assuming an inserted SD card):
The Clip is turned off and then on again
The Clip is turned off, the SD card removed and re-inserted, and then turned on
The Clip is turned off, the SD card removed, modified, and re-inserted, and then turned on
Thanks a lot &
Kind Regards,