As is often the case with threads here (and on any forum for that matter), discussions sometimes wander off-topic. There was one of these recently on the Fuze forum where the subject matter turned to the new Sansa SlotMusic player. As is also the case, the ads and marketing information are usually a little ‘lean’ on practical use and focuses more on technical specs and rarely tells you how the device actually works in the real world.
Some real-life questions were asked and an actual owner of this latest addition to the SanDisk family was kind enough to reply and offer some answers and personal observations on it’s use.
I am cutting & pasting the relevant post with the information here, as well as linking to the thread for those wanting to see the entire conversation and/or contribute to it. Someone looking for answers on the SM player will never find it in the Fuze board, so I thought it would be beneficial if it were posted here. Hope it helps someone. It did me.
Thanks to jkj1962 for his insight and contribution.
Tapeworm wrote:
Not having one I can’t say, but what order does it play in? I’ve heard that it plays in the order in which the files were added to the card, but that just doesn’t make sense to me. I would think it more likely plays alphabetical, but by what parameters? Artist or song title? And does it play this order by file name or ID3tag?
And here’s the $64,000 question . . . since you can’t select what it plays, and whatever order it plays in, what happens when you shut it off and then turn it back on? Does it start it’s playlist over again, or does it resume from the point where it was when it was turned off? I can’t imagine having it play the same songs every time you turn it on unless you change cards! I also can’t imagine having a sizeable card (8 or 16GB) & having to leave it on for days (literally) just in order to hear songs that are in the middle or further into whatever playlist it uses. You would never hear them! It only uses a AAA battery! Is it then going to reset and start playing from the beginning again?
So many questions, and since I do have one, a few answers.
First, a warning of sorts. Everytime you power it on, it starts at mid-volume. This might be OK for some, but I have to turn it down a few notches to be comfortable. The sound is decent, better of course with some better earbuds/IEMs.
As for play order, it appears to play in alphabetical folder order, like:
Folder A, Song A
Folder A, Song B
Folder B, Song A
Folder B, Song B
And it sorts numbers as well. I don’t think it reads tags at all. Admittedly, a shuffle mode would be nice, and I’ve tried a number of button combinations to see if any other functions/settings are available, but so far nothing.
You can either pause it and remove the headphones and it will shut off, or you can hold the Play/Pause button and will turn off. When you turn it on again, it will resume where it left off, even if you remove the card. I haven’t tried removing card 1, playing card 2, reinserting card 1 to see where it starts. If you remove the battery and the card, it still resumes where it left off. You can step through the songs to find the one you want, but admittedly that could take a long time on a big card. It wraps the “playlist”, after the last song it goes back to the first song.
I don’t think it’s really geared toward larger capacity cards; it’s meant to play a single album at the time on the 1GB cards like you would play a single CD one at a time on a portable. For some people this is adequate, for those that it isn’t they should buy another player. It’s an entry-level player for someone that doesn’t have one; a way for them to get into the technology initially and then move on to a better player when they get more comfortable with the concept.
Having read this, I agree that although the SM player will accept the larger size SDHC cards, they would be pretty unwieldy in this device w/o the selection capabilities or even shuffle mode. It does indeed sound like a player designed to only play 1 (or 2) albums at a time. Pity!
Here’s the link to what led up to this . . .
Message Edited by Tapeworm on 11-26-2008 02:48 PM