Help requested in Photo Recovery/Repair !

Hi, I need your valuable help in recovering/reparing my Photos and Videos from the SD card. How the problem occured was -

  1. I got a new Sandisk 32GB MicroSD card and I put it in my Samsung Galaxy, thinking that its preformatted ( it also never asked me to format at any point of time)

  2. I moved all my Children’s Photos and Videos from the Phone’s Internal Memory to the new SD card.

  3. To my surprise, I couldn’t see the Preview and couldn’t open them from the SD card :frowning:

  4. I got  a fear and  moved them back to Internal Memory but its the same case now there as well; no preview and couldn’t open them! I’m lost!!!

  5. Then I copied all the data into my laptop and tried to open them there, its the same case again.

  6. Then I thought I could see the data if I format the SD card and copy them there! So I formatted it (FAT32) and copied the data from the laptop. Hmmmm…no use!!!  :(  I’m really worried!!!

I tried some the Photo recovery and repair softwares but no use again.

So I’m requesting your kind help in recovering/repairing my Children’s photos and Videos. Please let me know if you need any more information in this regard.

With best regards,


Data recovery from a memory card is very easy using any data recovery software. You have to attach your memory card to a laptop in which you have to install  Amrev data recovery softwar e and just scan and recovery your lost photos. The recovery from sd card or memory card depends on the type of recovery like either you have deleted your photos or formatted your card. try the trail version of any data recovery software then purchase when satisfied.

I have used Amrev photo recovery tool with good results. You should take a try…