My MP3 Player has bad track on it even though they appear deleted on the computer. I have tried to to switch it from MTP to MCP but nothing helps is there anything that i can do to just delete everything on the it or atleast get ride of the bad tracks? Please i cant figure out what to do, Thanks
Yah, great forum thanks for the help figured it out my self
You waited less than 2 hours for a response. Glad you were able to figure it out on our own, but this isn’t a “live chat” board. You have be patient until someone reads your post that has an answer for you. Or you can always use the Search function if you can’t wait; most problems (even this one) have already been dicussed before.
Bad tracks can sometimes be corrected using ChkDsk or Error-Checking in Windows.
Check out the steps for error checking here. A bad track can manifest itself in several ways. The player may freeze upon lloading the track, or you may get an error message. Note that you won’t necessarily have to clear the device if chkdsk or the “manage” utility catches the problem.
Bob :smileyvery-happy: