Go LIst vs Play List

I need some help in using my Sandisk Express. I am particularly looking for information on how to use the Go List (how to easily add to and remove from) and how to use Playlists from Windows Media.

Ok I do not own a Sansa express but I think I may be able to be a little bit of help… The Go list is kind of a favorite list of songs.  To add songs to the Go list, while the song is playing, the four buttons on the player, play/pause >||, Previous |<<, Next >>|, and there is one with the lines,  press the button with the lines while the song you want to add to the Go list is playing and you will get option to add the song to the Go list.  Try it…

There are How to Videos on the SanDisk webiste that shows you how to add playlist to your player.  They are very good I suggest you check them out. 

How to Video for adding a playlist to your Sansa MP3 player in MTP mode using Windows Media Player 10 Windows XP

How to Video for adding a playlist to your Sansa MP3 player in MTP mode using Windows Media Player 11 using Windows Xp  and windows Vista

I hope this is helpful.

Message Edited by BiggT on 07-30-2007 01:37 AM

Thanks, that is good info
But I do still need to know how to get something Off my Go List - I tried using the lines button but on my Sansdisk Express it didn’t do anything (I was looking at my Go List, but not listing to my Go List) . Any other suggestions?

mpk wrote:
Thanks, that is good info
But I do still need to know how to get something Off my Go List - I tried using the lines button but on my Sansdisk Express it didn’t do anything (I was looking at my Go List, but not listing to my Go List) . Any other suggestions?

see this post

Create a new playlist =P