When I listen to music on my computer I like to browse and add songs to the current playlist while songs are playing. With the Fuze, I thought that’s what the Go List was for, but I’m having some problems with it.
Just to make it clear what I’m talking about… To add a song to the Go List I select the song from a menu, then press the ‘menu’ button on the Fuze (the one at the bottom of the wheel). I then choose “add to Go List”. To start playing the songs in th Go List, I go to the home menu->music->playlists->go list->play the first song.
Here are the two problems that are bothering me:
If I browse my songs by “folder” then the menu button that I use to add songs to the go list does nothing unless I actually start playing the song first. This prevents me from adding songs to the list (from folder view) while other songs are playing. Browsing by ‘artist’ or ‘album’ doesn’t have this problem.
When I start playing the Go List, it only plays songs currently on the list. ie. if I add a song to the list while the list is playing, the new song will not be played even after all the other songs have finished.
Is there some way around these problems that would allow me to expand the playlist while it is playing? If not, is this a good candidate for a firmware update?
Seems like the way you want to use the Go List is not how it was intended, and there is no way to create a playlist inside the Fuze on the fly which would be a nice feature in a future update. For me the real value of the Go List is when I’m listening to a Rhapsody channel or playlist and come across a song that I really like, I can add it to the Go List for reference later.
By the way, you can program the button in the center of the scroll wheel to add the current song to the Go List without having to go through the menu.
Message Edited by qualityaudio on 08-11-2009 07:17 AM
So you basically use the go-list for ‘bookmarks’? Fair enough. I can see how that would be useful. But it is a bit disappointing that there is no way to make a list on-the-fly, as you say. I didn’t even consider that such a feature might be missing when I was choosing which player to buy. I just implicitly assumed that any decent player could do this. Too bad for me, I suppose.
Thanks for the info.
One last thing. Do you reckon it worth suggesting this feature to SanDisk via official channels?
This fact (along with some other minor things) leaves me a bit disappointed with my new Fuze. After reading some reviews I thought this thing would be (almost?) on par, usability and quality-wise, with big A products. But imho it’s not. Don’t get me wrong, the Fuze has a great value for its price. But its not the i*-killer other people want it to be.
As you said, I never considered such an important feature could be missing in 2009.
I don’t think suggesting any features to Sansa does make sense, considering how low the priority seemed to be for the last firmware bugfix release (.26 to .31). Plus, as this thing is approaching the end of its lifecycle, there’s no need to tie expensive developers to it.
This fact (along with some other minor things) leaves me a bit disappointed with my new Fuze. After reading some reviews I thought this thing would be (almost?) on par, usability and quality-wise, with big A products. But imho it’s not. Don’t get me wrong, the Fuze has a great value for its price. But its not the i*-killer other people want it to be.
As you said, I never considered such an important feature could be missing in 2009.
I don’t think suggesting any features to Sansa does make sense, considering how low the priority seemed to be for the last firmware bugfix release (.26 to .31). Plus, as this thing is approaching the end of its lifecycle, there’s no need to tie expensive developers to it.
Just my 2 cents.
“Plus, as this thing is approaching the end of its lifecycle, there’s no need to tie expensive developers to it.”
Wismann, you are indeed wise. My engineering experience tells me exactly that. After reading all the threads on firmware and other unaddressed/unresolved problems, your comment is indeed insightful. No company will put its best engineering resources on a product nearing the end of its life-cycle. This forum is a great sounding board and an avenue for users to exchange experiences and ideas. But, to think that top-tiered engineers would be allocated to make an aging product 2% better would be unrealistic and not good managerial practice. Unless of course, Sansa announces a new version of the Fuze. They then should grandfather all enhanced features. Knowing this, I am happy with the product I bought and the price I bought it at. These limitations are well worth not spending the extra $$$ for an i-product that just ■■■■■ up your money and drains your time playing solitaire instead of music. The Sansa after all is just a music vessel. I don’t expect or want anything more than that from it. For that, I am willing to pay <$50.