I’ve bought a Sandisk 64 microSD card last January to use with my galaxy s3 GT-I9300. It worked without problems, then it unmounted once, maybe twice, but I didn’t pay much attention to it.
Till about three days ago, when it stopped working. The phone would say it was preparing the SD card, then, after several minutes, it’d say I could remove it safely. Same problem when I’ve tried it on my husband’s s3.
My laptop could read the card with the card adapter that came with the card when I’ve bought it (Amazon). I’ve noticed it had only 4 gigas free and deleted an extra 4 gb using the laptop (windows7). I’ve also used chkdsk with /f. When I put the card on the phone again, it worked.
Now, I was happy with the card before, but now I wonder if the problem will happen again. I wanna be able to trust the card, as I travel a lot and I do need a lot of memory during these trips. I have backup, but I need the card working properly.
Does anyone have experience with this problem? Could it be the problem was just that the card was too full (only 4 gb free of 64 gb the card has)? If that is the case, what is the threshold of content (in gb) to be sure the card works properly?
I have many files, but none of them exceeds 1gb in size. Also, my card is formatted exFAT. Could this be the problem?
The reason I’m worried is that when I travel, I don’t have a computer available. That was the case now. Luckily, when the card failed, I was only two days away from home and a computer, but I often travel for 7 weeks. What if the card fails again?
I have other cards (less capacity), different brands and I’ve tested all of them on my S3. No problems, so, I’m assuming my S3 isn’t the source of the problem.
Thank you for any input.