Recently got a new vehicle with an AUX port. When I plug my 4GB Fuze into it it makes this really terrible rhythmic clicking noise even when the Fuze is paused or just in the menu. This is before I actually play a song. It does this during songs as well.
I tried using a much cheaper throw away type of MP3 player using the same cable and it played perfectly.
Are you using the Fuse on it’s internal battery or using a Auto adapter to power the device.
I have an internal FM modulator that pipes the signal directly down the antenna line that would work GREAT when the Fuze was on it’s own battery, but would pick up a lot of noise when plugged into the automobile adapter due to a ground loop issue.
To resolve the issue I had to install some cables on my FM modulator with Ferrite chokes to eliminate the interference. (Luckily my FM modulator came with them). Since you may not have that option, try using the Fuze strictly on it’s internal battery and see if that eliminates the noise. You should also make sure the Fuze is set to the highest volume possible when interfacing with the aux jack and ensure you are using the headphone jack instead of the line out.
One headphone output (your other player) should be the same as another, especially if things work fine with the headphones. There’s nothing different about the headphone connection or signal from the Fuze.
Since the car stereo is freaking out even when the Fuze is silent, it has something to do with the car stereo. What happens when the AUX cord is plugged in to the car stereo, but NOT plugged into any player?
You might want to call the car stereo manufacturer’s customer service.
Nothing happens when the Aux cord is plugged in but nothing else is plugged in. It’s just fine. In fact, I even plugged in a different and much cheaper MP3 player while using the same cord and it play beautifully. This makes me think it is the Fuze, not the stereo.