Free space issue


if such a question has already been answer in the forum please guide me.

I have WD my passport 1TB.

  1. at a certain point of time there was 9 gb left

  2. then i copied some file of 3 gb, 6 gb left

  3. then i deleted around 20 gb of data, its still showing 6 gb free space

  4. then i copied 1 gb it says 5 gb left.

i defragmented it. no change. 

please help !!!  am worried about crash.


Hello and welcome to the WD community.

Perhaps, what you are deleting is going to the thrash can (Mac) or the recycle bin (Windows) check on there to see if the data that was deleted is there and if it is there proceed to delete it then it should show the correct free space.

Hope this helps.