I was using my fuze next to a small basin of water (don’t ask) and it fell in! I took it out right away and I was happy to see that it still worked. When I turned it off and back on, however, the screen flashed and turned off and wouldn’t turn on again, so I figured I should just wait a few days for it to dry. So I waited and then I was able to turn it on and it works fine now. The “only” problem now is that it’s sometimes impossible to turn the wheel on the front. It seems to me that something in there got rusted or something, I’m not sure. What I don’t understand it that sometimes it turns just fine, and if I put it down for five minutes and then pick it back up it doesn’t turn anymore.
I know someone who left his fuze in his pocket and it went through the wash and it now works fine! (an ipod wouldn’t stand a chance) So I don’t know why mine was in there for like 5 seconds and it has this problem. If anyone has any suggestions (besides for not using it next to tubs of water) I’d really appreciate them.
I have used contact cleaner to clean wheels and buttons on some devices, the fast evaporating arosol kind would probbly be best in this case, you could try spraying the button(around its edges and moving/clicking the wheel for a few min, let it fully dry and then try turning it back on, no guarntees this will work, but it may fix the probem, also could try some high purity isopropyl alcohol NOT RUBING ALCH, rubbing alch has a small ammount of oil in it and can attract dust over time!!!
DO NOT turn on any device to ‘test’ it when it’s gotten wet. Considering that the power you’re trying to apply is moving at the speed of light, ‘I only tried it for a second…’ means nothing. Try putting the device in a ZipLoc type bag with a cup of rice (uncooked). Let it sit overnight.
Considerable care need be taken with ‘contact cleaners’. Some of them eat plastics. Such a cleaner made of alcohol (ingredient may be called isopropanol) is generally safe on plastics, but ANY cleaner should be tested on an inconspicuous spot to determine if it will do harm.
Now that you (I forget your name) mentioned rice I remember that someone did that to his recorder when it fell in the water. I guess I should try that. Is it too late now? I mean it’s already been a week or so. The fact of the matter is that a new one only costs 40 dollars, so if in the end it doesn’t work, it’s not that big of a deal. I already have my playlists saved on my computer and my memory card still works fine so it wouldn’t be so much trouble.
Again, thanks everyone and suggestions are still welcome!
The “only” problem now is that it’s sometimes impossible to turn the wheel on the front. It seems to me that something in there got rusted or something, I’m not sure. What I don’t understand it that sometimes it turns just fine, and if I put it down for five minutes and then pick it back up it doesn’t turn anymore.
Something similar happened to my fuze after it was left out in the rain for a short period. The problem went away after leaving it beside a dehumidifer for a day and a part.
Well right now it seems to be working fine even after pressing all the buttons and everthing. I didn’t have a chance yet to try everyone’s suggestions and I don’t think I have to now that it works. I guess there was still some water in there but by now it dried out. Thanks for your help anyway, I’ll keep those tips in mind if anything happens.
I also dropped my fuse in water…twice. The first time it didn’t miss a beat, just kept on working. Then about a month later I dropped it again in a bucket of water (I do janitorial work and and listen to audiobooks while working). This time though it’s not working. It will turn on, but I only get a white screen. I will try some of the suggestions in this forum. Are there any other suggestions. Why the white screen?