Feature Requests for New Firmware

I just bought one of these and boy, this is a big step down from the Sansa Clip and Clip +. There are some issues that need to be fixed asap.

-Better Audiobook support and support for chaptering.

-More responsive buttons. Anytime I push a button there is a delay.

-Better interface. Make it more like the Clip and Clip +

-File limit – Are you crazy? Get rid of it or at least up it. What’s the point of an SD card if you can only store 2000 songs? 

-Interface is clunky. Smooth it out

-Buttons and interface is not as responsive as the Clip +

I am the owner of about 10 Sansa Clip  and Clip+'s. It was a great product, but this Jam thing is getting returned until these issues get fixed.

When does Sansa Plan to do more firmware updates? 

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The limitations in the newer Sport & Jam models [as I understnad it] is due to the hardware. The chip in the older Plus & Zip models was discontinued by the manufacturer (not SanDisk). There is little SanDisk can do firmware-wise, to improve things.

There IS a beta firmware available for the Sport that is out that addresses what they can (increased files limit, etc.). If it pans out, it will likely be made for the Jam as well. Having said that though, the Sport & Jam will never be the Plus or Zip; it just ain’t gonna happen.

And with more and more people using their smartphones as music players, the likelihood of anything better coming down the pike is slim to none. The demand just isn’t there anymore.

I fail to see how this isn’t just a software issue. I understand that certain hardware is needed to decode things, but I can’t it just be written into the software?

The RAM is very limited in the new chip. Certain concessions must be made. If it could have been improved with soft/firmware, it would have already been done.

The older Sandisk players were basically little computers in a plastic box. They had RAM, lots of storage and an ARM CPU that ran all the code. They could basically do what a mid-1990s PC could do, roughly.

The newer devices are much more primative.  They don’t have real DRAM, and use a DSP rather than a CPU for audio playback.  They’re less like a PC and more like  car stereo or a VHS tape player.  They have just enough programmability to have a basic UI but thats about it.  

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I agree. I was thinking of posting my own feature request. Yours has some of the issues that I’ve been struggling with. It really comes down to, make the Jam and Sport the same featureset as the Clip+. No one trying to replace their Clip+ would ever expect such a downgraded piece of hardware. With the Clip+, I could recommend it for those who just want a music player or who didn’t want to carry their phones. It was great. This new product line serves very little purpose. Frankly, it should not exist. I was hoping that a firmware update would come out to bring it up to modern times, but it’s taking too long. This poor design is a reason why the audio player market has died out.

I’d like to be able to copy my play lists from Windows Media Player to this … device. Zip+ was WAY better. I hate the Jam.  They could at least provide a baic utility to create a PLAY LIST!!! I have opera CDs that are 3-5 CDs and I can’t make a SIMPLE PLAY LIST.