Is anyone having any issues accessing their external WD Passport Studio harddrive for Mac?
I recently downloaded El Capitan Beta OS for Mac and can’t access the WD Unlocker
Appreciate if anyone has any fixes or suggestions
Is anyone having any issues accessing their external WD Passport Studio harddrive for Mac?
I recently downloaded El Capitan Beta OS for Mac and can’t access the WD Unlocker
Appreciate if anyone has any fixes or suggestions
Hi there and welcome to the WD community.
Since this OS is still on a beta stage, there is still no official support for it as of now, but lets see if another user can share some information and tips on this matter.
I have the same password unlock problem.
Also, as of yesterday’s latest El Capitan beta software update, my two 6TB MyBook Duo drives instantly unmount after properly mounting on booting my MacBook Pro However, my 8TB MyBook Duo drive does not. Does anyone have any suggestions?
I have the same problem… I hope someone can find a solution because i really need to acces my stuff. :mansad:
Thanks for the reports. I don’t have anything to add, unfortunately.
El Capitan official version will reportedly be released on Sept 30, so I am just trying to find out if anyone has had any problems yet (apparently so, from your reports).
El Capitan otherwise seems to be working pretty well for most of my needs, from what I have seen working with it during the past couple of days.
To avoid possible problems with WD external drives, I am going to keep a partition with my current OS X version intact while I transition over to El Capitan on a different partition (I have a large internal hard drive with plenty of space). And I am going to back up all of my data from the WD external drives (which are already backup storage) to yet another backup, just in case. Hopefully official WD drivers for El Capitan will become available not too long from now.
We have passed along this information to WD Support.
as of yesterday, Sept 30th 2015, OSX El Capitan is officially available.
natively accessing WD drives is still a problem
My password opens my Passport External Drives but Time Machine backups consistently fail following El Capitan installation. Same problem on iMac & MacBookPro 13". Am hoping a solution follows quickly.
I have just upgraded to El Capitan and after connecting Passport it is not visible in Finder, but I can feel the drive is rotating. In Disk Utility I can see WD Unlocker, but when I click “mount” nothing happens.
Too bad, because I cannot even revert to Yosemite, as Passport is my backup disk.
My case is the same. When I plugged in My Passport after installed El Capitan, the drive failed to show up in Finder and I couldn’t unlock it to access my stuff. I tried it with another macbook and iMac and it was still fine. Please fix it up as soon as possible! I’m so desperate for the solution right now
I re installed the Security
From there it will not auto unlock, but the Unlock icon comes up which lets me unlock it and it mounts.
ptomulik wrote:
I have just upgraded to El Capitan and after connecting Passport it is not visible in Finder, but I can feel the drive is rotating. In Disk Utility I can see WD Unlocker, but when I click “mount” nothing happens.
Too bad, because I cannot even revert to Yosemite, as Passport is my backup disk.
Don’t panic.
In the worst-case scenario–if nothing else ultimately works–there’s always the option of installing a new copy of Yosemite to a new disc and then accessing your backups on the Passport.
Same for me - I can’t see My Passport, and therefore cannot backup with Time Machine. Any solutions?
same problem. el capitan and wd passport. broken…
sad because this used to work so well. have to wait?
I’ve had the same problems after I upgraded from Snow Leopard to El Capitan and thanks to Apple I can no longer use my external drive they way I was before. Even after wiping the drive re-partitioning it into 2 (I had 3 before of which two were used to backup 2 computers), but even now the password will not unlock it. OS wants to control everything as far as I can see so I will try to find other better backup software and hope the it is compatible–obviously this problem will likely continue with Sierra, so I think this will be the best course of action–other than buying new drives, etc.