Sansa E200v1 Firmware Version 1.02.24
SanDisk has recently released the 01.02.24 firmware revision for the Sansa e200v1. Download links and the release notes are available below.
First, verify that your e200 is a v1.
This can be found by going over to Settings > Info, and verify that “Version” starts with V01. Once this has been verified, go ahead and proceed with the firmware update steps below. If you do not have a v1, do not upgrade your firmware to this a different version! This could render your player useless!
Download the firmwares by clicking on the links below. Be sure to select the region you are in for full compatibility.
For AMERICA - Click here to download
For SOUTH AMERICA - Click here to download
For EUROPE w/o FM - Click here to download
For EUROPE w/ FM - Click here to download
For PACIFIC Region - Click here to download
For JAPANESE Region - Click here to download
The instructions below applies to Windows, Mac, and Linux Operating Systems.
Once downloaded, extract the .zip file into a folder (take note to remember where you saved it).
Next, change the device’s mode from MTP to MSC by going to “Settings” then “USB Mode”, then selecting MSC.
Next, connect the device to the computer and it should show up with a drive letter. In the root directory of the Sansa e200v1, add the firmware files you just extracted from the zip.
Once its been added, disconnect the device, it will then say that it is upgrading the firmware. It will eventually turn off. Once it turns off, turn it back on, and it should ask you for a language to select. Once the language is chosen, head to Settings > Info and verify that the “Version” is the same as the latest verstion, mentioned above.
Release notes for Sansa e200; Version 1.02.24
This new firmware has various bug fixes, including key fixes listed below. Upon completion of the firmware upgrade, the device will restart automatically. If the device does not initiate or complete, press & hold the Power switch for 12 seconds to reset the device and then release and press again to restart.
Bugs Fixed:
Accessories Support
· Control commands from 30-pin docks are ignored when backlight is turned off.
Video Playback
· Backlight will be turned off if buttons are pressed while playing video or slideshow with Hold switch On.
Music Playback
· Custom EQ loses settings after song changes to next track.
Languages Support
· Some characters are missing for Polish, Slovenian, Czech, Russian, and Greek.
· Timex dock support