does not display certain artists

I rechecked to make sure that the ID tags have the artists’ names but they still show up under Unknown. The names only have A-Z letters and nothing else.

ID3 v2.3

@captormoonlu wrote:
I rechecked to make sure that the ID tags have the artists’ names but they still show up under Unknown. The names only have A-Z letters and nothing else.

What filetypes?

mp3. It’s funny because under the same album, some of the songs appear under the artist’s name and some appear under unknown. I have checked to make sure they all have the same attributes. This is annoying.

I keep having same problem and I wondered what program you are using to edit the ID3 tags? Looking for good easy free ID3 tag editor.

Meanwhile good luck.

@captormoonlu wrote:
mp3. It’s funny because under the same album, some of the songs appear under the artist’s name and some appear under unknown. I have checked to make sure they all have the same attributes. This is annoying.

I find this happens in WMP also if the Artist and Album Artists are not both fill in. In WMP if you do not have the Album Artists feild filled in and the Artists feild for the album has more then one artists then this happens and some or all songs come up Unknown.

All my music has both tags and i do not have the problem and i do not think the Clip reads or display the Album Artists so not sure it will fix the your problem.

Also once i had some mp3’s that were funny, the tag editor showed all tags were there, in WPM10 they did not show up, only Filename, file size and file type i think, but very few items,  Foobar 200o no problem, showed all tags. When looking at the proporties of the file in windows explorer,  it also showed that even though it was a xxx.mp3 file name it did not have the feilds of a mp3 file. It would turn out that it was a wav file or some other type that was renamed to mp3. I had to reencode them to like WAV and then back to MP3 and retag (as i did not have the CD) and then they were fine.

Just some ideas for you to try, not the cure all.


Message Edited by Rainey on 03-03-2009 06:50 PM

I downloaded mp3tag and it is almost TOO simple. Dont really see how to use it. Can you give a brief quickstart step list? I really am new to this sort of thing, but would like to learn.

Thanks. I downloaded the godfather and it looks impressive. Learning curve doesnt bother me as long as it is effective, which it appears to be. Have some songs I simply need to re-tag or remove tags or something to eliminate this Unknown thing.