I have a sansa c250v2 that is a warranty replacement for a 250v1 which the headphone jack went bad. Unfortunately, I can not recommend the v2 because it seems to choose it’s own favorite songs that will play several times over when 100’s have not played at all. The original version did not have this problem. I am using a jumper to plug in the headphones so the newer ones jack will not wear out so quickly. I want to get a mp3 player that will hold a large capacity micro sd card but do not want to worry about the headphone jack. Does Sansa make a quality player that has quality jacks? I am blown away that they don’t seem to get this right when my old walkman and portable cd players that are at least 20 years old have never had a problem with the jacks. They have taken serious abuse with no problems. Should I skip Sansa on my next purchase? Are all of their players of such low quality?