data recovery encrypted file

Good morning,

because of a problem detected by the encryption software of the data contained in my Sandisk’s pendrive, I can’t read the files.

If I try to open them, I see many symbols only.

Is there a way to recover file contents having the password?

Thank you for support

If I try to open them, I see many symbols only.

??  You’re opening them with SecureAcess?

Is there a way to recover file contents having the password?”

Only if SecureAccess can read the files.

Not sure why your seeing only symbols.  Maybe the device wasn’t safely removed the last time it was used and the FAT is screwed up.  You can try running CHKDSK for the drive or if your files are important you can try sending the device to a professional recovery service.

Exaxtly, you can use “chdsk” to fix error of the pen drive,if it work you are so lucky that you don’t need to recover data from pendrive, if not, you can try to use recovery program to restore lost data from pendrive, know more here: Pendrive Data Reocvery.

Interesting link.  Is that $29.95 app one where you download it, it scans the drive and shows all the files it can recover, but doesn’t allow you to actually recover them until you pay for the app? 

I would try the FREE recovery apps shown in this posting before trying your app.

@ed_p wrote:

Interesting link.  Is that $29.95 app one where you download it, it scans the drive and shows all the files it can recover, but doesn’t allow you to actually recover them until you pay for the app? 


You aren’t suggesting this might be SPAM, are you?