Cruzer FIX

I Have found this Read Write Protection error with my 8 gig Cruzer Glide. To Gain Access to the Locked Files on your Cruzers. you need tp create a Back Up File using XP’s System Back program. up also you need to create a Folder for the Back Up file to go into. Once you have created the Back Up you can Accsess your files using the XP Back Up Restore Fuction making sure that you Send the files you require  to a Folder in XP, not on the Cruzer but on your Laptop or Computer.  Anthony

:smiley:   Hi Anthony,

Dear member of SanDisk Community, welcome.

[ I Have found this Read Write Protection error with my 8 gig Cruzer Glide. ]

Please, try the Cruzer in other PCs, and see if the problem continues.

If still bad, do not grieve more friend, return it because is dead, ist kaputt…

Write protection errors occur when a UFD detects a potential fault within itself. The drive will go into write-protected mode to prevent data loss.
There is no method to fix this.

You might have a pleasant surprise, if can contact with _ SanDisk Technical Support _ who will replace the device if it’s authentic and is within warranty. Link:

To obtain the internal data of the UFD, you can use (portable apps, free): - USB Flash ChipGenius 4.00,
                                                                                                                                   - USB Flash Deview 2.30, 
                                                                                                                                   - USB Flash DriveLetter 1.30,
                                                                                                                                   - USB Drive Manager 4.20,

To find out more on this, see here:


Regards, Alfred.                                                              (Google translated)

Thank you for this Information. as these drives are so Cheap I have decided to Create a Back Up of all Data on this Glide then Open the Back up file on my Laptop. This gives me the option to Un Lock , disengage the ‘Write Protect’ for each Item I wish to Use. and this way I can Obtain all the data I thought lost. And go buy another diffrent branded Drive for data storage. Anthony

:smiley:   Hi Anthony,


I commend him, for his strategy to safeguard your data.

I also, keep duplicates (clones) of all my UFD.

And go buy another diffrent branded Drive for data storage. ]

Sorry, but if visits different forums on the internet, you will see that this problem (write protect), it happens to all brands.


Regards, Alfred.                                                  (Google translated)


:smileyvery-happy:   OK!!   Enjoy!!

Thanks for posting this. It’s worth the try though. No harm on trying this if all else fail.

Yes. atleast you will have a back Up Copy of all your Data from your Cruzer right on your computer.  opening each item you which to use is as easy as draging it to a folder or desktop and changing it’s attributes to Read / Write , Eliminating the Read write protection