Excuse me
I want the driver of sandisk cruzer blade 8gb
I did not find the page
there is no driver to download. it uses the generic mass storage drivers that are native to the supported operating systems.
the drive is compatible with the following operating systems no driver needed.
Win XP
Win Vista
Win 7
MAC OS 10+
my sandisk cruzer blade 32gb wont install its driver on my 32-bit windows 7 os. everytime i scan for hardware changes its saids that the device driver not sucessfully installed, i unistall it already, disabled enabled and also restarted my pc and still having this problem over and over. Is there any other way to fix this problem? cause even in disk management the flash disk is not detected.
my cruzer blade 8gb flash drive is working one some machines, but stopped working on my laptop HP Pavilion that runs Vista
Is there a driver that i can install to fix this
could a virus disconnect my usb ports?
What is the best solution 4 this?
“Is there a driver that i can install to fix this”
“could a virus disconnect my usb ports?”
Unlikely. But you never know.
“What is the best solution 4 this?”
Get a new laptop that runs Windows 7.
I just buy new cruzer blade 8gb driver , In that
Downloaded the RunSanDiskSecureAccess_Win.exe and tried to execute from PC
but error is “Please run San Disk Secure Access from San Disk external Device”. -
Tried to copy on flash drive, but not allowed to copy the exe file on flash drive.
3.Tried to run the RunSanDiskSecureAccess_Win.exe on drive which came with drive
error is as " dynamic link library dmBackup.dll could not found on specified path.
error on 1 and 2 is shown in attached file.I am using XP as operation system.
Please help me.
Please can any one suggest the solution how to access copy and paste my file on drive.
“2. Tried to copy on flash drive, but not allowed to copy the exe file on flash drive.”
Check with you company’s or university’s IT office. You probably are restricted from writing to USB drives. The RunSanDiskSecureAccess_Win.exe file is designed to run on SanDisk USB drives not hard drives.
@amitmcsfc wrote:
Downloaded the RunSanDiskSecureAccess_Win.exe and tried to execute from PC
but error is “Please run San Disk Secure Access from San Disk external Device”.
Please can any one suggest the solution how to access copy and paste my file on drive.
You need to copy the .zip file to the Cruzer first then extract it and run the .exe file, not extract it on your PC.
I don’t believe the .zip file needs to be on the USB drive but the extracted .exe does in order to run.
my pendrive is not working it is asking drivers
want security software
Let me know if you find a resolution to your issue. I’m running into the exact same issue/error message.
I had this problem too. This is what I did.
I went to the Start Menu.
Devices and Printers
At the bottom was the Cruzer Blade, under Unspecified.
Opened that, clicked the Hardware tab.
A new window pops up. On the General Tab, click Change Settings.
Another window pops up, looks the same as the last one. Click the Driver tab.
Click Update Driver.
That’s all it took.
Have same problem. Did as you suggested, but
Windows still could not find the driver software and received this message:
This device is not configured correctly. (Code 1)
There is no driver selected for the device information set or element.
Any other suggestions?
should I try uninstalling it (even though it hasn’t been installed)?
One of the other forum posts indicated when they did that it really messed things up.
Hi scankdisk want to install the game but gives an error when installing the game is truncated game I downloaded from the website www.oynayim.com game flash game that is a slight
See answer posted here: http://forums.sandisk.com/t5/All-SanDisk-USB-Flash-Drives/Hi-scankdisk-want-to-install-the-game-oyun/m-p/305579#M6194
I got a brand new 8gb Cruzer blade, opened the packadge and connnected it to the USB, got error. tried another one, nothing.
I have followed all the steps posted on the support area and here and to not veil. I keep getting message saying ACCESS DENIED, and windows cant install the driver .
I have tried in every single USB port on my laptop and still doesnt work.
My laptop runs on windows 7 64bits
Please, see link:
Regards, Alfred.
I keep getting message saying ACCESS DENIED
It sounds like you’re not signed on with an Admin user id or your UAC or Parental settings are blocking you or your machine’s security apps are blocking you from installing drivers. Or possibly blocking the use of SanDisk’s SecureAccess app on the drive.
The title of the window containing the ACESS DENIED msg may help identify the problem.