I’ve recently started trying to use a Sansa Clip Zip. I don’t bother adding music to the build in memory as the memory card I have is much bigger. The first time I added files I just copied everything I wanted straight on there, and when I then unplugged it the thing would crash before the refreshing media bar got to the full. I then decided that I may have been asking too much of it, so I deleted everything and started again, adding one album at a time and unplugging it to let it refresh the media each time.
This seemed to be working well until now, I have added 1.7GB of music to the memory card (a fraction of the size of the built in memory, let alone the capacity of the memory card I bought with it - which is also made by Sandisk by the way).
Any information on how I can ensure that the media refreshes. Please do not suggest doing the reset proceedure as I have to do that everytime I unplug it… Which is very terdious. It seems to me that this mp3 player is needlessly fraught with problems.
I emphasise that it is unnecessary to advise me to reset the mp3 player.