Do your files have ID3 tags? yes
Are they in the format (ID3v2.3 ISO-8859-1) that the player can read? yes
Are these files you have used successfully on your other Sansa players in the past? They all work on both of my other Sansa clip players
Are they filed under ‘Unknown’ in the player’s listings? no
Have you checked under Folders (bottom of the Music menu)? Yes
Are you using the correct USB mode connection? It is set to auto.
Are you sure you are ‘syncing’ to the card and not to the player accidentally? The internal memory is full.
When referring to ‘playlist’, are you talking about an actual playlist file containing names of songs that you want to play together by themselves, or do you (loosely) mean a ‘group of files’ transferred over at one time, but that have no relationship to each other (in other words, not a ‘playlist’)? It is an actual playlist created by media monkey.
if it’s a playlist file, is it a .pla or .m3u format? .pla
If it’s .m3u, is it placed in the Music folder (on the card) along with the files?
Have you tried a different memory card? It works fine with an 8 gb card, it just not big enough.
Did you buy the card from a reliable source? There’s a lot of counterfeit 32GB cards out there now. I bought it on ebay and it came sealed in what looks like an official Kingston package with hologram. The seller has lots of positive feedback and has been doing this for a long time.
I copied a lot of jpg and .png files onto it and was able to open them with no problem. I am wondering if this is a compatiabllity issue? We’ll see, I have a SanDisk 32 gb card on the way to try.