I was the lucky owner of a Sansa Clip + for the past two years, and I loved it, it went with me everywhere.
Unfortnuately, today it fell from my jacket lapel where it was clipped, somewhere between my flat and the train station, and I haven’t been able to find it :'(
So I’m online to buy a new one, and I’ve just discovered the existence of the Clip Zip.
I’m a bit torn, so I’m asking for advice.
I was really used to my Clip +, and I’m not really interested in any of the new features from the Clip Zip except the alphabetical navigation :(
I would LOVE alphabetical navigation. That was the only feature I missed when I switched form my Ipod to the Clip +.
Is there any chance of said navigation being included in firmware update for the Clip + ?
Is the battery life going to be as good on the Clip Zip even with the bigger screen ?
Funny, if given the chance (or the neccessity) I’d sell my Zip and replace it with another Clip+.
Different strokes for different folks.
You could have sold it to Marvin.
I tried to trade-in my fuze (it’s two years old) on Amazon, but it was rejected as “no audio”. I think that’s a bogus reason. It was returned to me and it works fine. As least I didn’t lose anything trying to trade it in.
Hey Marvin; with the ClipZip’s larger screen, is reading the RockBox menu any easier than on the Clip+. Are the letters any larger or is there just more stuff on the screen with the same size letters. Thanks, Mark S