I just got a new Clip+ and I find that the FM tuner has changed for the worse in
two respects compared to my older 2008 Clip: 1) the sound level changes
when I walk (it changes enough to attract attention) and 2) I now hear sound
distortion when listening to weaker stations (most stations are not that strong).
I can compare since I have both Clip’s. I don’t notice sound level changes
when I walk with the older Clip, nor am I annoyed by distortion on weaker
stations. In fact I am very happy with the sound of my first Clip, including FM.
I would be curious to get other people opinions on this. Could it just be a firmware
related issue or did the Clip+ get a new FM tuner?
Typically, with FM the sound level should not vary much with signal level, as long as
the signal to noise ratio is above some threshold. Regarding distortion I find that
when I listen to weaker stations with the older Clip I just hear a bit more white noise,
nothing distracting, but with the newer Clip+ the noise is different and it includes the
effect of sound level dependent distortions (some kind of a cracking noise modulated
by the level of voice or music).
I don’t get distortion from mp3’s or voice recordings so this is definitely a tuner issue.