can anyone assist me? i have been using ma hard disk a while now,its a my passport essential. recently i connected it to another computer a foreign one to what i normally use. now i cannot access it in any way, after i put in the pass word. it shows its being read by the PC but when i click on it on my computer it doesn’t open infact it makes the comp hang. what is the problem? i cannot even format,right clicking or left clicking aint opening it. on the wd smartware its only showing the hard disk of the ocmputer not the external so i cannot erase or change security settings or anything at all. kindly asssist anyone!!
If It Shows the Drive and You Computer Hangs When you Try to Access it , then It Could Have a Corrupted File System
You Could Try Connecting the Unit to another Computer ( or ) as you Mentioned you Can Format it
You Could Format the Drive thru Disk management :
Right Click in the Icon Of Computer / My Computer > Manage > Disk Management >Right Click in the Disk (WD HD) and Format > Which Will Walk You through the Format Process …
What “foreign” computer did you use it on? Check disk management, if it shows up there, you most likely did corrupt the file system. You might also try running virus check on it.
I missed the last message. You tried what? Did the drive show up in Disk Management? How do you know the drive shows up in the Bios?