C140 & Media Player 11

Does the C140 support media player 11? According to the user guide i downloaded on line the answer is no. I can connect and MP11 recognizes the device. I tried to synch several songs. It syncs the first one then goes off to lala land (says 100% for first song - hung after that). Any ideas?

c140 is a MTP device so it will need at least WMP 10. anything higher than that should work so WMP 11 should not be the problem.

where did you get the files you are syncing?

have you tried the device in both MTP and MSC modes?

have you tried copy and pasting the files?

do you recieve any errors when syncing?

At this time, with the C100 series, and WMP11, it will always sync one song, but after that it just stalls.  Please use WMP10, Rhapsody or Napster to sync your music.