Hello. I’m new to these boards and new to my Sansa Clip+ 8GB.
I’m very pleased with my new toy so far, but I seem to be struggling a little with battery management.
Twice now the battery has died completely on me. I’m getting a fair amount of use out of it, I think, judging from what others have said (roughly 8-9 hours playing mostly FLAC files).
I don’t seem to be reading the battery remaining indicator correctly. It seems to take most of that 8 or 9 hours to reach just below the halfway mark, and then the player gives out very quickly after that without warning.
I know I could just re-charge at, say, 50% every time - but it seems odd that the calibration of the indicator doesn’t appear to reflect reality in a more proportionate way.
Is this just the way things are, or do I have a problem with the player that needs addressing?
All tips or comments from veteran users welcomed!