@robisan wrote:
It’s always stickied at the top of the forum. Here’s the current firmware posting:
Thank you! I don’t know how I missed the manual link. Turns out, it’s exactly the version mine shipped with (1.27.02F), but I d/l’d and installed it anyway. No difference; still very sluggish:
From the main menu:
Music > Artists 20 seconds
Artists > Albums 13 seconds
Albums > Songs 130 seconds
Yes, that’s right; the last one takes over two minutes to respond to a single swipe and yes, by then even the max backlight setting (90 seconds) times out and the screen goes dark before it responds.
Man, this is getting old. Unless there’s some hidden defect somewhere in my music library, I think the Fuze+ just isn’t designed to handle the advertised capacity.
I encourage others to try this as well - round up as much music as you can find, add a big SDHC and see if your Fuze+ can handle it.