Windows 10 can't recognize two 6TB My Books

I’ve been buying WD products for years. I’ve had a 6TB My Book and a 2TB My Book successfully connected to my Windows 10 OS.
Most recently I upgraded my 2TB into another 6TB, but now only one or the other works. I’ve checked out the threads for Windows 7/8, but nothing helpful yet.
I can safely remove the unreadable one after I plug it in.
In WD Smartware, it says “No writable partition found.”
In Disk Management, it only recognizes the first one I plug in.
Both are recognized in Device and Printers, but only one is accessible.
Any help?

Hi, Are you connecting the drive using the USB 3 or USB 2? Have you tried on a different computer or using a different USB port? Can you share a screenshot of disk management when the drive are plugged in?

I’m connecting through both USB 3.0. After updating WD Smartware to V 2.2.14 with WD Drive Service V and restarting, it recognized both 6TBHDs. One wierd thing: it changed the all the system setting fonts to small.

I’m glad to read that you got it working after the update, however I have not heard about the software changing the font settings. Are you able to change it back from Windows?

Yeah. It was simple. I just went into the settings.