Windows 10 can't format my drive

I started getting an error when trying to use My Passport. I could see the list of directories but could not access them.

Finally gave and decided to reformat the drive.

Windows says it can’t format the drive.

Suggestions, or should I just trash it and get a new one?


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I’ve been wandering through every solution I can find using Google. Everyone wanted me to try the format before going further. Eventually the format worked. Don’t know why.

Sorry to distract. …g

Hi @weegeordie,

Have you opened a Support Case? If not opened, for more information, please contact the WD Technical Support team for the best assistance and troubleshooting:

No support case opened. I was able to get the drive formatted by repeatedly running MS format. Thanks …g

There are many causes that may prevent Windows from completing the format process on your devices. Here is a list of the main reasons that explain why Windows is unable to format the USB, SD card, or external hard drive, etc., devices:

#1. The device contains the file system error
When a storage device displays as RAW or contains an unsupported file system such as Linux Ext2/3/4, Windows won’t be able to directly format the device by using File Explorer or Disk Management. To fix this error, you will need a third-party formatting tool for help.

2. Presence of bad sectors on USB, SD

When a storage device contains a certain number of bad sectors, you won’t be able to format it using Windows built-in tools. To make your device accessible again and complete the format on a USB/SD card, you can run disk error checking and a bad sector repair tool to clear the errors on your device.
#3. Virus or malware infection

When your storage device is infected by a virus or malware, you can neither access the saved data nor format the device in a normal way. You need to clear the virus at first and then complete the formatting process.

#4.The device is locked or write-protected by third-party software

If your USB or SD card gets locked or write-protected by third-party software, you cannot format the device either. The only way out is to remove the write protection first, and then finish formatting your SD, or USB drive.

#5. Physical damage

When your storage device is physically damaged, you can do nothing to it. Either taking it to a local manual repair center or purchasing a new one to replace the damaged device is a good way out.

### Windows Was Unable to Format" Error Using Diskpart Command

Applies to: Resolve Windows unable to format USB, SD, or other device error due to file system or bad sector issue.

When you failed to format USB, SD card, or other storage devices using Windows file explorer, the Diskpart formatting command can also help you complete the format.

Here are the steps:

Step 1. Right-clicking on Windows icon, type command prompt in Search, right-click on Command Prompt and select “Run as administrator”.

Step 2. Type diskpart in Command Prompt and hit Enter.

Step 3. Hit Enter each time when you type below command lines in DiskPart to quick format hard drive:

  • list disk
  • select disk 2 (Replace 2 with your disk number)
  • list volume
  • select volume 10 (Replace 10 with the volume number of the device that you want to format)
  • format fs=ntfs quick (If you need to format a storage device to FAT32 or other file systems, replace NTFS with FAT32, exFAT, etc.)

Step 4. Type exit and hit Enter to close the program when DiskPart reports it has successfully formatted the volume.
### Check and Fix Disk Errors that Prevent Windows from Completing the Format

Applies to: Resolve “Windows unable to format” device error due to disk error.

Step 1. Open File Explorer, connect your device to PC and right-click on the problematic device, select “Properties”.

Step 2. Under the Tools tab, click the Check button under “Error checking”.
Step 3. Next, you can choose to Scan drive if wanted or Repair drive if errors were found.

Wait for the process to finish.

Step 4. Now, you can right-click on your device and complete the format using Windows File Explorer.

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If you are unable to format the storage drive and if you wish to completely wipe the drive then you can try data erasure software such as BitRaser File Eraser, this will clean sweep your drive and make it ready to re-use as a fresh new drive.

I have the same issue now, and I dunno what to do.

I had a similar headache with my old drive not too long ago. If you’re still looking for options, I’ve got a tip that might save you from having to trash your current drive. Try giving Windows a fresh start by reinstalling it. It sounds a bit drastic, but sometimes, these weird issues are just glitches that a clean install can fix.
If you decide to go this route and need a new Windows key, I stumbled upon during my own tech troubles. They offer legit keys at a decent price, which might make the whole process a bit less painful. But if all else fails and the drive just won’t cooperate, it might be time to consider getting a new one.

There are several reasons why Windows might be unable to format an external hard drive. Here are some common causes:

  • Your drive is write-protected
  • File system corruption
  • Bad sectors
  • Hardware failure
  • Partition table errors

Before formatting, I recommend using chkdsk to repair file system errors on the disk.

  • Search for “Command Prompt” in the Windows search bar. Right-click on “Command Prompt” and choose “Run as administrator”.
  • type chkdsk /f X: and press Enter. Replace X: with the letter of the problematic hard drive. For example, if it’s your D: drive, type chkdsk /f D:.

Next, you can also use CMD to remove the write protection on the disk. To obtain more fixes, plz check this artice.

I think you should run the Check Disk (Chkdsk) command first before formatting the drive. Just follow the below-mentioned steps.
Open the Command Prompt as an administrator.
Type chkdsk X: /f (replace “X” with the drive letter of your My Passport) and press Enter. This will check for and attempt to fix any errors on the drive.

If this method doesn’t work, then you can use the disk management feature.
Press Win + X and select Disk Management.
Locate your My Passport drive, right-click on it, and try to format it from there.

Also, there are various third-party tools like EaseUS HDD format tool, HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool, HDD Low Level Format Tool, and so on that might be able to format the drive when Windows cannot.

If none of these steps work and the drive still can’t be formatted or accessed, your drive is having hardware issues. In that case, replacing it might be the best option.

No support case was opened. I managed to format the drive by repeatedly running the MS format command.

How CHKDSK can heal damaged sectors? Its not possible. I tried in the beginning but as I went into the fathom of the HDD technology I learnt that healing bad sectors with any window inbuilt utility or third party software like ‘reggenrator’ are misconceptions,

CHKDSK can’t physically repair these but can “heal” the issue by marking the sector as unusable so that the system no longer tries to write data.
chkdsk /r: Locates bad sectors, recovers readable data, and fixes logical errors.

It’s fine if a disk has a limited number of bad-sectors including ‘current pending sectors’ and ‘currently unallocated sectors’ above a certain value. This is not true if a 500GB hard-drive is flooded with some 50GB of physical bad sectors. The head will stuck on bad sectors in a loop. So we can not expect a 450GB hard-drive at the end of chkdsk /r: /f: ! I understand what you meant to say about bad logical and some bad physical sectors. I repeat once again its not true for a hard-drive flooded with physical bad sectors.

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How did you manage to fix this in the end? If you’re looking for a way to format drive without loosing data, I found a reliable method that might help. This guide explains how to reformat an external hard drive without wiping your files: https://www.cleverfiles.cоm/howto/reformat-external-hard-drive-without-losing-data.html. The article walks you through the entire process, offering different techniques for safely reformatting your drive while preserving your data. It’s a great resource if you need to give your drive a fresh start but don’t want to risk losing important files

Go to the disk management app. Delete the partition and create a new partition.

If Windows won’t format it, use diskpart in Command Prompt to clean and reformat the drive. Here’s how:

Step 1: Open Command Prompt as Administrator.
Step 2: Type the following commands one by one:
list disk
select disk X (Replace X with the correct disk number)
create partition primary
format fs=ntfs quick

If this method doesn’t work for you case, try using a third-party tool like WD Drive Utilities, MiniTool Partition Wizard, or Disk Genius. These tools can force format, rebuild partitions, check the drive’s health, and fix file system issues.