Which Card to Use for Backing up Win8

   Windows 8 requires a 32GB card minimum to use for backup. I purchased a PNY 32GB (http://www3.pny.com/32GB-Pro-Elite-Series-Hi-Speed-SDHC-Class-10-UHS-1—35MBs-233X-P3122C442.aspx ) but it would not work. Even though it says 32GB it is actually a little less. If I buy a 32GB SanDisk will I run into the same problem? Exactly what size is a SanDisk 32GB card? (http://www.sandisk.com/products/memory-cards/sd/standard-class4/?capacity=32GB)


   Ed P2 

any 32GB card will be less than 32GB after it is formatted for use in a computer. this is a standard across all storage types. 

if you need 32GB of actual usable storage space you will need to get a 64GB card. 

That’s what I thought, I just wanted to check before spending the money, thanks.
