Good morning western digital community
Just a small question about a really big problem and I wondered if anyone could help me out .
I currently have a western digital passport wd3200bmvu-11a04s0 I bought this drive a couple of years ago and had some problems with it , it was so frustrating that it’s been hidden away ever since.
Unfortunately it has a lot of stuff on it as you would expect and i want to get it off.
When I plug this drive in the power light comes on , that’s about it , there is no windows detection of the drive not even in the disc management section . It is not making any ‘clicking sound’ others have reported about this drive either.
I have run the quick and full western digital tests and both result in the drive being fine which I really don’t understand. The warranty has truly expired so I have opened it up to see if I can find a ATA cable and remove it that way but I can’t find a cable that will connect to this does anyone have any ideas ?? (picture attached )
Also one more point as the hard drive is connected and tests are running etc it seems to get a little bit warm , also I’m not sure but I remember i used to hear a fan whirling away ,could this be the problem ?